About Us

[h2]Appdicted Team[/h2]
Appdicted was founded and created by Rory Boyer in 2009 after discovering that he was going to be a dad and needed to find a new way to make a living. At that time he was working as a CRM Consultant for Oracle. This position required 100% travel. With a child on the way he decided he needed a good change. So he spent sometime thinking of a new career path.

Rory had a reputation of creating funny photos in his spare time, many of these photos would be friends in funny wigs. For a past time that big business (aka Oracle) didn’t much care for, Appdicted created their first hit App “Wig Booth” which allowed anyone to add funny wigs to their friends and family and not need any photoshop skills. Creating an App he wanted to use, made for a great app for everyone. This app was featured by Apple in the first week it was launched.

“If it’s not fun, I will not create it. I only make apps that I want to use. I believe that is why my apps have been successful. The apps come from a place of passion and imagination. My passion came when I became a dad and realized that I wanted to show my daughter that you can be happy with what you do for a living, that you can live your dreams. You can do whatever you want in this life, it is your choice to work a job you love or your choice to work a job you hate. I chose the path I love. Life is short and so am I, better get living before you die.”

This has become a motto for Rory and Appdicted. To this date Appdicted has over 3 million users worldwide and continues to grow and create new fun apps. With MANY more in the works and even more in the head of Rory.

[h3]Our Teams[/h3]

[photo width=’180′]http://www.appdicted.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/Screen-Shot-2012-08-30-at-10.11.28-PM.png[/photo]

Rory Boyer (Owner)

Rory has over 10 years working in the software business originally starting out working for Oracle. Passionate about creating and designing apps and branding them with his personal touches.





Friends, Family and Users(Product Awareness Experts)

We give out a HUGE thank you to everyone who “works” for Appdicted by telling people they know about our apps! Without our friends, family and fans, we could not be where we are today!


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